Watson Caring Science Global Associates and Affiliates


Watson Caring Science Institute supports our global community associates, to help nurses and nursing unite and expand shared values, philosophies, theories, and commitments to advance human caring, healing, health and peace for our world.

Our goal is to create a network of practitioners, leaders, administrators, educators, scholars, and researchers of Watson’s Caring Science scholarship and spread grass roots global programs and human caring initiatives around the world. We aim to provide a forum for global nursing and health/healing professionals to expand and disseminate knowledge and practices of human caring, healing and peace in service to humanity, through informed moral action.

    How your system/school can become a Global Affiliate
    Each Watson Caring Science Global Associate Contact represents international collaboration and visionary diverse approaches to Caring Science for our world. Jean Watson

    More information

    For further information on our global projects please contact Julie Watson.

    Current Global Contacts